Around 4:30 or so today, Kevin and I received an unexpected phone call from our doctors office. Turns out that our blood work from Friday came back and the results are not so good. The AFP levels came back elevated which means there is higher risk of an Open Neural Tube Defect aka Spina Bifida. Although the screening does not say yes or no that the baby has it, it gives a good idea if the baby would likely have it.
So I have to go in again this Friday for more testing and to have the blood work redrawn. If the levels come back the same most likely they will offer us an amnio to find out for sure. The problem is with the placenta in the way this might be difficult for them to retrieve the amniotic fluid around the baby. The amnio also carries a 1% chance of miscarriage.
Right now of course Kevin and I are extremely upset but are trying to stay positive. It may be that this is just a false positive and there may be nothing to worry about however right now we are asking for everyone to keep our little baby boy in your thoughts and prayers. Of course we will keep you all updated once we have the results which may not be until next week.
You know, that test has extremely high rates of false positives. I got it done w/ my first, but didn't w/ my second. I hope that everything turns out okay for you guys! Big hugs!