January 18, 2009

15 Weeks now and counting...

So even though Kevin and I have not been able to find out the sex of our little bambino yet, we decided on Friday to take the time and look around at all the nursery bedding sets that are out there in the stores. We came up with a few favorties for both the boys and girls that we liked but one for each sex really stood out to us. So we can't wait to find out now so we can pick these up for the baby and get the nursery started.

If we have a little boy we found Ahoy Mate from Babies R Us. It is s cute and even cuter in person. The only thing is, if we have a boy, the nursery will have to be repainted a lighter blue color to make sure it matches well with the set.

If we end up having a little baby girl, we fell in love with Amy Coe's Pink Pop also at Babies R Us. The colors in this one are so bright and have a very modern look to it which I love. Also we wouldn't need to re-paint the room since the bright blue that we used would look great with the bright pink.

Everyone keeps asking how are you feeling? And the truth is, I feel good. My only complaint really is the back pain. Its hard to beleive that with me being only about 4 months that I am already having as much back pain as I am but I guess its only going to get worse. Its mostly been sciatic pains (lower back) which has always been a tender area for me. I am still losing weight which the doctor tells me is fine as long as I am eating healthy which I am so I'm not totally concerned about that yet. I am sure in the upcoming weeks I will start putting some of it back on.

On a brighter note, I have felt the baby move once already. It happened about a week ago and I was totally confused at first what it was. I sneezed really hard and almost 2 seconds later I felt the little tickling on the lower part of my stomach. I of course tried to talk myself out of it being the baby but after I thought about it I knew that had to be the baby cause really I have never felt anything like that before. I was so excited that I think Kevin thought I was a little crazy but I haven't been able to experience it since. So every night I have been trying to poke my pouch a little to see if I could get him/her to move again but have had no luck. I have even tried to cheer it on a little. I know crazy right? That's okay I know my little bean is going to be kicking me constantly soon enough.


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