April 14, 2009

So pregnancy must really change you...

Easter is already here and gone...

Wow, I can't even believe its the middle of April already. It seems like Christmas was just a few weeks ago and here easter is already here and gone. Kevin & I decided to spend this Easter holiday with my father and his new wife's family. As usual it was nice to just have a very relaxing holiday.

Doctors Appointments

Yesterday on the other hand turned out not even close to what I had expected. So I knew I was about to have my 27th week check up along with my Glucose test, which to be honest, both I have been very nervous ab0ut. My goal was, since I had the day off, I would get there about 10 mins prior to my OB appointment, chug the nasty tasting crap for my glucose test, go to my OB appt and then have my blood drawn for the glucose test and for my bloodpressure check up.

I was already running a little late so after parking the car I ran into the lab praying no one was waiting. I signed in, dropped off my lab sheet and waited.. After a few minutes they brough me out a full glass of what I thought would have been this horrible tasting orange flat soda. Instead I was surprised by a flat tasting sprite which might I add tastes much bettter than the orange crap I drank the past 3 times I took this test. They told me I had 5 mins to get it all down but I only needed 3 because I didn't want to be late for my OB appointment.

I then got on the elevator, headed up to the 5th floor, signed in and headed to the bathroom to leave them my wonderful pee in a cup sample which is just so normal for me now. After I left my deposit, I had a seat in the waiting room hoping and praying the doctor was not behind cause I only had 50 mins at this point to get back down to the lab to have my bloodwork drawn. To be honest I did not have much hope about this timing I was trying to pull off actually working because the waiting room was packed.

After about 10 mins of waiting, the receptionist behind the front desk called me up. Assuming they wanted to ask me if my insurance changed or something along those lines I waddled myself up there. The first thing she says to me is I am sorry but the doctor is not in the office. It took me a minute to understand what she was saying. I guess doctor sommer (who I have never met) was called to the delivery floor and they had no one to fill in her place. I tried to explain to her that I have already taken off work for this appointment and this is not just a hey I can reschedule kind of thing. I work the same hours they do and I was already a week behind in my appts because I could not get off work last week. Of course she was aplogetic and I was trying to not be frustrated with her but I mean come on people. There is 7 doctors in this office. Not one of them could see me?

So after some debate she talked me into switching my appointment to a Midwife that is local to me. Actually she works for the same branch of Magee doctors and she could get me in first thing Thursday morning. So after all that rushing I have no idea how much weight I have gained or where we stand with the high blood pressure until Thursday morning.

On a brighter note, I did get my glucose test done and the results back today.. Hard to beleive considering I failed it 3 times prior to getting pregnant that I actually passed!! I passed it by the skin of my teeth but to be honest I don't care. Passing is passing. The nurse told me that anything below a 130 is considered passing and I got a 127. Yeaaahhh :) So now hopefully I can just get my blood pressure under control.

Reflection on what's been going on...

So its hard to beleive that I am already into my 3rd trimester. I am still feeling decent other than the occasional back ache, having to pee all the time and the heart burn (which might I add I never experienced before this). I have been told that I mostly look like I am all belly which I guess is a good thing? This little munchkin though is making himself very known. Between the constant kicking and punching I think we may just have a little kick boxer on our hands. I hope to take some pictures of the ever so quickly growing belly soon!

So there has been two questions everyone seems to be asking.

The first question is... Where are the pictures of the nursery? Don't worry they should be up soon. I really wanted to wait until we had the dresser picked up and put in. I want the room to look some what complete prior to letting everyone see it.

The second question is... What are you naming him? This is a really hard question for us to answer because honestly we still don't know! I think we are narrowing it down to Cameron and calling him Cam or Caden and calling him Cade. However nothing is set in stone so we may just end up calling him something completely different.

Just a quick picture so its not all text you guys have to read... Here is a few pictures of a few pieces I actually painted for the little one's room. I am not 100% happy with them just yet but its a good start!

Well I hope all is well with everyone and that everyone had a great Easter. Look for more updates later this week after my appointment!


1 comment:

  1. I had major heartburn with my 4th pregnancy..... that means, he will have ALOT of hair!! I know, an old wives tale but in my case, it was true! I feel for you, heartburn is nasty!
