May 16, 2009

So much to update everyone on!!!

I am about 1 week behind on updates and I don't even know where to begin...

Back on the 8th of May, we had our scheduled ultrasound at Magee to see where the baby has been measuring. On that date I would have been 30 weeks and 5 days which would have placed the babies weight at roughly 3.3 lbs. Kevin and I both were so excited to be able to see this little one again and how he has grown. Remember the last time we saw him was back at 19 weeks which feels like so long ago now.

So as I am laying back on the table waiting for the nice cold gel to grace my oh so big stomach, I am not quite sure what I was expecting but when they showed us his beautiful face I think kevin and I were both in awe. We could see his full features, his little eye lids and nose. Its so amazing that even at 30 weeks gestation he has grown so much already. So anyways, after the ultrasound tech showing us his little feet and hands, she begins to take his measurements. jWhat showed up next absolutely blew my mind.. Our little munchkin is already measuring at 5.1lbs and at 33 weeks!!!!! So a little over two weeks ahead and of course he's breech. Frank Breech to be exact. Basically he's bum down face forward, legs up by his head. Aka folded like a pretzel. Leave it up to our little one to make things always more difficult :) So that's how the ultrasound went.

Mother's day was the Sunday after our ultrasound and Kevin was awesome... It was such a nice day and I wanted to wear flip flops but of course with my stomach being big I haven't been able to do my toe nails so he offered to do them for me. Of course it wasn't as good of a job as it would have been if I would have been done by the professionals but I love him for trying. Also you can see my feet are starting to swell..

So the week dragged by until my appointment on Thursday which again might I add so did not go as planned. I was set up for a 9am appt and told Dawn ( my supervisor) that at the latest I would be an hour late to work. Our first record of business was seeing how my weight was doing and honestly I was again pleasantly surprised only being up another 2 lbs which puts me at a total of 8lbs.. Like I said I am happy about that because my ultrasound the week before said the baby was about 5.1. I should have known though right then and there, that it was the end of the good news. Shari decided to do my blood pressure next and of course it was high again. 157/94 which is the highest its been yet. They were able to get our babies heart beat pretty quickly at 144 which is a change I guess.

By the time Lisa came in to take a look at me though and to look at the results of the ultrasound she only had one thing on her mind. My bp. Immediately after measuring my fundus, which is still 2 weeks ahead, she said we need to have a lot more tests done and we need them done asap. She didn't have a good feeling about this blood pressure. So she insisted I take Friday off, obviously rest but have cbc panel, eclampsia panel and have a 24 urine collection done. I had to have this all done by Saturday morning. The biggest thing that is worrying me is instead of our normal 2 week waiting period for my next appointment she wanted me back first thing on Monday. So monday afternoon I have a follow up with her to see what the next plan of attack is.

She explained to me that with high blood pressure, if it gets out of control, it can actually cut off all nourishment to the baby. Her biggest concern is obviously that I would end up with Pre-e and have to deliver early. As a precaution, she had all my paper work faxed over to the labor and delivery department at Magee. She also made sure I had the emergency number and of course if I see any kind of change in myself I am supposed to call immediately. So with that being said let's pray that all the tests I had done this weekend come back with a positive result other wise this little one may be here a lot sooner than we think!

So the next update will be monday night and then of course we have my baby shower this weekend. Until then.....


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